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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Universe Is Talking to You: Tap into Signs & Synchronicity to Reveal Magical Moments Every Day by Tammy Mastroberte

The Universe Is Talking to You: Tap into Signs & Synchronicity to Reveal Magical Moments Every Day

Kindle Edition
Expected publication: May 8th 2020 by Llewellyn Publications

Goodreads synopsis: 
Learn How To Receive Signs from the Universe and Loved Ones in Spirit

The universe is always communicating with you—whether it be in the form of angels, guides, loved ones in spirit, or with amazing signs and synchronicities. This book shows you how to decipher the messages the universe is giving you and helps you reaffirm your faith, live with more joy, and experience life as a series of wondrous miracles.

Join author Tammy Mastroberte as she shares a powerful five-step process for reaching a higher vibration that resonates with the universe and the spirit realm. These simple techniques connect you with powerful energies that provide direction when you are lost, reassurance when you are on the right track, and faith that everything in life serves a greater purpose.


5 Stars 

There isn’t a lot of new stuff in this book. But when you compile it all up, it has all the makings of a wonderful reference book.

I was glad to be reminded of so many things I have learned over the years and have failed to use in my life. I used them at one point and now I have become a bit lackadaisical and have pushed some of these teachings to the side. Not because they are wrong. It’s more like I am lazier than I used to be. 

If you have never heard of these theories about the universe, this is a great book to dig into. I loved how she referenced Joanna’s Sacred Scribes for the repeating numbers section. That is my favorite resource too, along with a Doreen Virtue Angel Number app I have on my phone.

It makes us really pay attention to the signs, synchronicities and coincidences we have in our lives and makes us realize that the universe has really been speaking to us all along. We only need to listen.

If this book seems a bit far fetched, maybe think of it as God is talking to you. God, the Universe, Source, it’s all the same thing. I will definitely revisit this book from time to time in order to remember and pay attention to what lies ahead for me.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.

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