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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Gratitude Prescription by Will Pye

The Gratitude Prescription: Harnessing the Power of Thankfulness for Healing and Happiness

Paperback, 232 pages
Published May 1st 2019 by Reveal Press

Goodreads synopsis:
Gratitude isn’t just a virtue—it’s a gift we give to ourselves. Written by a spiritual teacher and brain tumor survivor, The Gratitude Miracle will help you discover love, happiness, and peace of mind everywhere you look. 

Painful experiences are an inevitable part of life. Traumatic events, the deaths of people we love, physical and mental illnesses—we all face challenges and loss in our personal lives that cause us pain, grief, and sorrow. But what if we could learn to see life as a gift, regardless of our circumstances? The Gratitude Miracle will show you how to transform your struggles and suffering, and learn to cultivate unconditional thankfulness, no matter what happens.

If anyone knows about cultivating gratitude in the face of great difficulty, it’s author, mentor, and spiritual teacher Will Pye. In 2011, Pye was diagnosed with a potentially terminal brain tumor, By learning to find a way to be thankful for his circumstances and developing his own practice of “radical gratitude”—thankfulness and appreciation for everything, without preference—he transformed his personal story and is now working to proliferate unconditional thankfulness around the world.

With this heartfelt guide—filled with easy-to-follow meditations, affirmations, and exercises to help you find love, happiness, and peace in any moment—you’ll discover the positively transformative powers of gratitude: how it can bring more presence, resilience, and vibrancy into your life. You’ll also learn to be grateful for your unique talents and creativity, and how to activate this outlook in the face of despair, distress, and unfortunate circumstances. Finally, you’ll see how being unconditionally thankful reveals our interconnectedness and uplifts us all.


3 Stars

This is a greatly detailed offering of gratitude from the heart of someone who has been there and is giving  you what worked for him. Try it out. Test it for yourself.

I thought this book was good, decent but just middle of the road for me. I didn’t connect with some of what was put forth here but that’s okay. We don’t all connect with everything in these types of self-help works.

I am not always an advocate of sitting with the pain and letting it process through. I feel we have sat with that pain too much and need to move on to gain more peace. But just because it all doesn’t work for me doesn’t mean it won’t work for someone else.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.

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