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Friday, May 10, 2019

Better Than Nun (Giulia Driscoll #6) by Alice Loweecey

Better Than Nun

Kindle Edition
Expected publication: May 21st 2019 by Henery Press

Goodreads synopsis:
Ghosts for Mardi Gras! 

Giulia Driscoll used to say running a detective agency was the busiest job she’d ever had. Then the ghosts showed up, and she figured now she’s the busiest ever. This of course challenged the Universe to say, “Hold my beer.” 

Today she’s running the agency, sleuthing on behalf of the ghosts, and being the mother of a two-month-old. At last she understands those 5-Hour Energy commercials. 

The Universe then dropped two clients in her lap for Mardi Gras: a family greedy to find hidden money and the son of her least-favorite person, Ken Kanning of The Scoop. The positive: a date night! The not-so-positive: it’s a working date night. Driscoll Investigations is joining the big Mardi Gras costume charity gala to search for potential thieves. Kanning Junior will be at the party showing off his tame ghost. 

The Scoop, a few hundred drunk revelers, a mercenary family, and a ghost who isn’t as tame as the kid thinks. What could possibly go wrong? 

Did someone just hear the Universe say, “Hold my beer”?


3 Stars

Better than Nun is the sixth book in the Giulia Driscoll series. I am actually kind of confused by this book. I have read books 1 (NUN TOO SOON) & 2 (SECOND TO NUN) previously. In these books former nun Driscoll was certain that ghosts didn’t exist and there had to be a logical explanation to every ghostly encounter. Well, I guess that theory is now out the window because there were actual ghosts and what I assume were demons (but never called that) in this book.

I tried to let my text to speech reader read this to me but the text didn’t flow as nicely to my ear and since I haven’t read this series in awhile, I had to do it the normal eyes to page way of reading. I am not sure what was off with the flow but I am assuming that the quirky nature of the writing was the reason that it didn’t mesh well with my text reader.

I was kind of surprised that this book “went there” with the whole Scooby Doo character costumes and references to those meddling kids near the end. I have to admit that this is one of those series I should have picked it up first at book 3 (NUN BUT THE BRAVE) and moved forward from that. I had a hard time keeping up with who was who and exactly what Giulia might do to adapt to a real ghost in her midst.

This book was just okay for me. Not horrible. Decent. It is a good book. And the story is complex and interesting. I think this would make a good tv series because visually it would be stunning.

If you are really into paranormal or the ghostly things, definitely check this out. You might find a winner series for yourself. Not my favorite series, but it stands right up there with some good ones.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank Edelweiss, Henery Press and the author for allowing me to read this title.

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