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Friday, November 15, 2019

Don't Keep Your Day Job - How to Turn Your Passion Into Your Career by Cathy Heller

Don't Keep Your Day Job 
How to Turn Your Passion Into Your Career

Hardcover, 256 pages
Published November 12th 2019 by St. Martin's Press

Goodreads synopsis:
The pursuit of happiness is all about finding our purpose. We don't want to just go to work and build someone else's dream, we want to do our life's work. But how do we find out what we're supposed to contribute? What are those key ingredients that push those who succeed to launch their ideas high into the sky, while the rest of us remain stuck on the ground?

Don't Keep Your Day Job will get you fired up, ready to rip it open and use your zone of genius to add a little more sparkle to this world. Cathy Heller, host of the popular podcast Don't Keep Your Day Job, shares wisdom, anecdotes, and practical suggestions from successful creative entrepreneurs and experts, including actress Jenna Fischer on rejection, Gretchen Rubin on the keys to happiness, Jen Sincero on having your best badass life, and so much more. You'll learn essential steps like how to build your side hustle, how to find your tribe, how to reach for what you truly deserve, and how to ultimately turn your passion into profit and build a life you love.


4.25 Stars

This book might say “ don’t keep your day job,” but it isn’t telling you to quit your current job. It suggests that you “try out” your new endeavor and when the time feels right to quit your day job. Do that. Don’t quit your job before you know if your idea is going to sell and make you money.

This is a very inspiring book based on a podcast series created by Cathy Heller. There are a few workbook questions to answer but not really enough to get any of us to bound forward in our purpose. I think you have to go into this book already knowing your passion and purpose and this book wants to help you capitalize on that. It is not a book that will help you define and figure out what your purpose is. I think this is really for those few who want to start a business and make money using their purpose and passion as a guide. If that is what you are looking for, then this book is for you. If you are searching for your purpose, you won’t find too much help in these pages. But the lady does know how to motivate herself to get things done and that is always a great thing to learn.

If you are wanting to make your dream job come to fruition for you, check this book out. But if you are just looking for your purpose, look elsewhere.

This is a really quick and easy read. It is not a mind-bender. It is pretty straight forward giving advice based on her own experiences. I enjoyed it and am thinking of looking up this podcast to learn even more.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.

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