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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Grave Consequences (Bay Island Psychic Mystery #5) by Lena Gregory

Grave Consequences

(Bay Island Psychic Mystery #5)

4.5 stars

This is the fifth book in the Bay Island Mystery series by Lena Gregory.

As each book unfolds, we see that Cass is more and more comfortable with her psychic powers. In this title, she is learning to focus and block out certain dead people when she is trying to concentrate. She only realizes this is possible when she sees another lady do it and Cass wants to learn more.

The mystery here is pretty entertaining and I get a kick out of Bee and all of Cass's friends who hover around her so much. The gal might learn a bit more if they would leave her to her own devices more. We start out the book wondering if the person that fell from the lighthouse fell or was pushed to his death.

The characters are all a real hoot and I still have trouble seeing "Bee" as a guy. Not sure why. But he is definitely a character that grows on you. And you don't doubt his devotion to Cass.

One great series with paranormal elements.

If you love a good cozy mystery, definitely check this one out.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.

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