E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig
by Pam Grout
Paperback, 248 pages
Published September 16th 2014 by Hay House, Inc
Goodreads synopsis: E-Squared , the international hit sensation described by one reader as “The Secret on crack,” provided the training wheels, the baby steps, to “really getting it” that thoughts create reality.
In E-Cubed (don’t worry—there will never be E to the 10th Power), Pam Grout takes you higher and deeper into the quantum field, where you’ll prove that blessings and miracles are natural and that joy is only a thought away.
With nine new experiments and more tips on how to keep the gates of the world’s largesse and abundance wide open, this book is chock-full of incontrovertible evidence that the universe is just waiting for us to catch up, just waiting for us to begin using the energy that has always been available for our enjoyment and well-being
This book is a follow up to her über popular ebook from last year called E-Squared. I have also read that and found it equally awesome as this book was and is.
This book makes you take these experiments seriously. Each one takes a commitment of time. And I would suggest you at least try one of them because you can't seriously see how amazing this is if you don't put in the time and effort.
One of the first experiments I got results on was to get a message from a butterfly. I think the experiment was to see a certain color of butterfly but I wanted to make it interesting. Less than a day went by and someone posted on my Facebook feed about a large amount of butterflies leaving such a huge impact that they looked like a storm in doppler radar. I spoke about this in one of my oracle/tarot readings on YouTube and I then pulled a card that not only had a butterfly on it but it also had a message that related to yet another experiment Pam Grout had posed. I got two for one on that one. And then someone posted a comment to my video saying that my mentioning of the butterflies looking like a storm on doppler radar was a sign to her! How awesome is that?
This book makes you realize exactly how powerful you can be if you direct your mind in these unique ways and focus on what you want to manifest instead of complaining about what you don't have.
Become a manifesting superfreak like me. Come on. I know you want to.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking to manifest wonderful experiences into their lives.
5 Stars. Yes, it is "that" amazing!
I received this book as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) from Net Galley in return for an honest review. I thank Net Galley, the author and the publisher for allowing me to read this title.
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