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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: No Biz Like Showbiz by Julie Moffett

No Biz Like Showbiz (Lexi Carmichael Mystery #4)
Kindle Edition, 229 pages
Published July 21st 2014 by Carina Press

Goodreads synopsis: Lexi Carmichael: helping geeks everywhere get some. Okay, so it's not exactly as it seems, but that's what's happening on the dating reality show called Geeks Get Some that I, geek extraordinaire Lexi Carmichael, have been called to work on. Not that I'm a fan of reality shows (I can barely deal with my own reality). Still, I've been sent to Hollywood to find a hacker who's screwing with the results of the show's online voting system.

Per usual for me, I read this book out of order according to the series number. This is book four in a series. But amazingly you don't need to read all three previous books (and one novella, I believe) in order to know who is who and what everything is about. The author gives us a great deal of backstory in the beginning which is not only helpful but quite interesting and entertaining to boot.

This book was a hoot. I don't think I could read it fast enough. I started reading it at 8pm-ish one night and finished it at lunch the next day. Someone on Facebook mentioned that she wished it was longer and I concur with that. Longer would just make it even more amazing, I just want Lexi to be my friend. I want to read about her adventures and gush about Slash, her newfound boyfriend. She has such great, complex and engaging mysteries that I marvel at how easily the author makes it to read. It has a great flow to the text. After reading this I was compelled to go out and buy the rest of the Lexi Carmichael series. I am indeed hooked.

5 Stars. Highly recommended,

I received this book as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) from Net Galley in return for an honest review. Thanks to the publisher and the author for letting me read this.

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