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Friday, May 16, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: The Circle- Book One of The Sidhe

The Circle (The Sidhe #1)

I enjoyed reading this book about the fairies known as the Sidhe (pronounced "she"). I learned a lot about the mythology of the fae realm and I found that part quite interesting. The story was okay but I could have done with some more suspenseful pacing. I don't know if this is targeted at mid-grade readers or YA but it seemed a bit more mid-grade than YA in my opinion. I loved the interaction between the characters and the character selection was interesting and compelling. I wish that Riley gal would have had a bit more fire in her like Cordelia from Buffy does. But overall I found this book was great. I  would have given this 3.5 stars but Goodreads doesn't do half stars so I rounded up and gave it four stars. I would buy the next book in the Sidhe series just so I can figure out what happened to Finley. Thank you to Net Galley and the Publisher (Odyssey Books) for letting me review this literary offering.

As for my feelings on the cover design, I didn't find it as compelling as other series I have seen.

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